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If you are like most independent agents, you have a lot to do. You have claims and payments to process, clients to meet with, staff to train or retrain, and of course the marketing. So, with all this who has time to create new content for my online social media pages right? I mean after all why reinvent the wheel?
Don’t get me wrong. I understand that when it comes to your endless list of to-dos’ when you are an agency owner, being creative and coming up with original content is sometimes at the end or not even on your list of things to get accomplished this week. But I am going to break your content down for you into three quick categories as an agency owner and how you can map out a plan with done for you and original content along with the benefits of both. Whether you are an independent agent or a captive agent, chances are your company or companies offer you online branded contented and solutions you can just plug and play that make it very easy for you to do something daily for your agency. The good part about that? Consistency. It makes it very simple for you to either copy and paste or directly link your Facebook business page, twitter account or LinkedIn right into their system and have it just run for you. Easy-peasy right? Now why would this be bad? Well its not that its bad, but many times you are posting their generic or company branded content with links to the company web pages, not your own. It also is just that – generic. “But wait” you ask. “Can’t I use some of it to just easy my brain and take a little something off my to-do list?” Absolutely. Here is what I suggest:
For more content you can use on your own social media pages, we have some free content, not company branded, that you can also take and use as your own.
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