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In the insurance industry, I have heard marketing in two different terms. True story, when I first started, I assumed when someone said they were marketing and account, it meant they were targeting a niche and that marketing meant advertising yourself. I obviously had a lot to learn. Little did I know that “marketing” meant “shopping” around an account. However, looking back, it was essentially the same thing as advertising yourself.
Marketing an account means finding the best company for your client and their needs. On the sales and advertising side, marketing also means finding those clients that are the best fit for you by conveying your specific message. It’s something we all must do to get new business. As a small business, many times we dabble in it, take the free postcards that our companies provide us for Auto, Home, and Business insurance and drop those postcards in every mailbox in a 5-mile radius of our agency. Then we wait. Or maybe we do some Facebook advertising because someone said it’s good to do. We boost a post, promote our page, and even place an ad here or there. How is all of this working? Do you know? Do you track it? You wait a few weeks and nothing happens. Or maybe you don’t know because your staff isn’t asking how they heard about you. So…you stop. You stop marketing and eventually, you become reactive instead of proactive. You wait for the phone to ring. Then business slows and we figure, hey it’s time to dabble in this marketing thing again because we need more business. And so the cycle begins. Unfortunately, many of us fall victim to this cycle. But it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing cycle. You don’t have to be on one month and then nothing for the next three. W. Clement Stone said “Big doors swing on little hinges.” Meaning that if you do one small thing to market your business and convey your message and who you and your agency is, then it will not seem so overwhelming. It could be a post or promotion on Facebook. Call two potential clients or send out that postcard or mailing. Remember to be able to “market” an account, you must first “market” yourself. Do something to talk about what you do every day. Don’t have a Facebook fan page? No problem. Promote yourself on your own personal page. Being a great agent, is part of who you are. Brag about it and tell people how you can help, every day. Where can you start today to market yourself and your agency? It doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Make a list of 50 different ways you can promote, talk or advertise what you do. It can be something as simple as asking for a referral from a good client or as complex as a three-part marketing campaign for a specific niche you work with. Click below for your free download to get started. Need more help getting started? Agency Marketing Pro specializes in helping you market your agency both online and offline. Whether you need a Facebook page or are looking for done-for- you marketing. We help you and your agency stand out from the rest in a way that is uniquely you. Contact us for a free consultation to see how we can help you.
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