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With Valentine’s Day this week, we are turning our focus to what matters most. The clients. Because let’s face it we can have all the carriers we want, employ the best people, and have the coolest office, but without clients calling us, coming in the door, or reaching out to us through email and text, we would not be where we are with all of this.
So with Valentine’s Day this week, there are many different ways you can “show the love” to your clients. It’s a great way to send a simple email or you can even run a great promotion to the current clients to raffle off a gift certificate for dinner at a restaurant or a bottle or wine or gift basket depending on what your goals are. Here are some quick things you can do in your office to make it engaging with your clients.
Whatever you decide, there is no one way or a right or wrong answer. Its whatever works for you and what feels most comfortable. You can do one or all of them. The point is to be engaging and to have fun. And Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! If you thought this was good, please “share the love” here and share this post on your social media. Don’t forget to get your free Valentine’s Day graphic below that you can use in your own social media postings this week. Have your own spin on what to do to engage with clients on Valentines Day? Comment or post your idea below! Your idea might help others.
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